Natracare natural, flushable moist tissues cleanse and refresh delicate skin. Made of 100% paper with an organic and natural formula that’s certified COSMOS Natural. Each tissue is infused with soothing aloe vera and cleansing witch hazel to help you feel extra clean.
What’s more, they are certified flushable! Natracare Safe to Flush moist tissues are third party, independently tested to the specifications of Water UK. This means they are guaranteed to break down safely after flushing, and will also safely biodegrade in both marine and fresh water.
Many wipes contain viscose or even conventional plastics such as polypropylene or polyester – these have often been falsely marketed as flushable! There are over 366,000 sewer blockages in the UK every year, and over 80% of them are avoidable.
We don’t have to continue to harm our planet using single-use plastic wipes. We should only flush our 3 Ps – paper, pee and poo. Natracare Safe to Flush moist tissues are made from only ecologically certified paper – zero plastic!
We’ve worked closely with Water UK to meet water industry standards for a truly flushable product.